Arranging a Wedding or Baptism

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We would love to help you celebrate milestones in your life such as weddings and baptisms (Christenings), as well as renewal of wedding vows, blessings and thanksgivings. If you are interested in these, you need to meet with our vicar, Rev. Nick.

To arrange please phone 07774516204 or email to speak to the vicar (Nick) to find out more and make arrangements – please make sure to leave a voicemail if you ring. Please note that Nick covers more than one church and is not at St Luke’s every Sunday, so don’t just turn up without checking first.

Baptism (also called a Christening) is a very important event where people, whether adult or child are welcomed into the church community and take steps on a journey with God.

Baptism happens at different stages of people’s journey with God, sometimes at the beginning of their lives as babies, sometimes when they have recently come to faith, and sometimes when a major event in life causes them to start thinking about God and the church.

Baptism is found throughout the Bible and if you are interested in reading more do ask the vicar who can direct you to where they can be found.

Baptisms take place within the main church service, which starts at 11am and usually ends around 12:15pm, as it is about welcoming people into the church community.

The service date will be allocated (as far as possible considering your requests for particular dates) after we have received your forms and met with Rev. Nick. Please do not book things until this is confirmed.