St Luke’s is a very active church with our building open nearly every day of the week. We run many different projects such as the Front Room Club, Parish Nursing, Edge Advice Centre, activities for children and families, as well as the less regular activities such as funerals, weddings, baptisms, and events for the local community.
All of these activities come with a financial cost and as a church we rely entirely on the financial generosity of supporters to remain open and serving Downham. Your support of St Luke’s enables our ongoing ministry and presence in Downham.
In addition to the need for finances to run our projects, we also each have a responsibility as followers of Jesus to give to our church. As the Bible reminds us:
“All things come from you, O Lord, and of your own do we give you.” (1 Chronicles 29.14)
This is part of King Solomon’s prayer at the consecration of the Temple in Jerusalem, and remind us that we have nothing of our own. We only have what God has given us. In response to God’s gracious generosity Christians are called to give towards his mission in the world.
Regular Donations:
If you want to donate regularly to St Luke’s then please sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). If you are able, please inflation-link your gift to St Luke’s; this is an enormous help to us as we face rising costs over the years. If you are UK taxpayer, please make a Gift Aid declaration; this increases your gift by 25% at no cost to you.
You can sign up online here:
Or to sign up by phone, call the dedicated sign-up line on 0333 002 1271. You will need your personal bank account details and the PGS code for St Luke’s: 370637264
If you would like to sign up by post, please contact Jo at the office on for the forms.
To find out more about the Parish Giving Scheme, please see this link or watch the following video:
One off Donations:
If you want to make a one-off donation please contact us for bank details.
If you are a UK tax payer, please consider completing a Gift Aid form (the charity name is St Luke’s Downham) available here and returning via either email to or posting to St Luke’s Downham, Northover, London, BR1 5JR
Thank you for your generous support – it is greatly appreciated.