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We have services on Sundays at 11am and Fridays at 12noon:
All of our Sunday services start at 11am and are designed so that people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds can be involved and feel welcome. Our service lasts just over 1 hour.
We have a table with activities for children to either do at the table or take back to their seats; including fidget toys and ear defenders. We also have some mutli-sensory items for adults, such as art materials, holding crosses and rosary beads.
People from all sorts of traditions have made their home at St Luke’s and we value the unique style of worship that gives us. Our music is usually provided by videos on the screen.
Our Sunday service usually runs as follows:
- Welcome and opening prayer from the person leading the service
- Song – we usually stand and sing for songs but you don’t have to
- Confession – we ask God to forgive us of the things we have done wrong
- Song
- Psalm – we stand to read a Psalm (song/poem from the Bible) together
- Bible reading – somebody reads a passage from the Bible to us
- Talk – someone explains the Bible passage to us
- Song
- Holy Communion – the Priest leads us in remembering Jesus’ special meal. We stand and join in the responses if we are able to
- Receiving Holy Communion – anyone over the age of 8 can receive the bread and wine (or just bread) if they wish. If you are not sure you can receive a blessing and talk to the vicar after the service.
- Song
- Notices – we are told about what is happening in the church and community
- Birthdays – if anyone has had a birthday recently and they want to celebrate we sing happy birthday to them.
- Blessing – the person leading the services prays for us
- Song and Offering – we sing our final song and take a collection to support the work our church does, nobody is obliged to give.
- Dismissal: The priest goes to the door and says the final words of the service: “Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord” to which the congregation relies “In the Name of Christ, Amen”
After the Service:
You can either leave at your own pace, light a candle in the chapel or if you want to stay for a bit and talk to people, you are welcome to make a drink and stay.
We also have a short service of Midday Prayer on Fridays at 12 noon – this is a simple said service following the Church of England Prayer During the Day service (you can find this service on the Time to Pray app).